Executive Summary:
Every Mail Box is a company owned by Steve Forman, which has been selling on Amazon, eBay, and Shopify for the past 5 years. The company prides itself on delivering products faster than all its competitors, thanks to a revolutionary software package from Every Mail Box Studios. The company focuses on grassroots and SEO marketing and has no social media presence.
Every Mail Box has now launched its own e-commerce website, www.everymailbox.shop, which offers a wide range of products at competitive prices. The company plans to build its own fulfillment department to eliminate the need for third-party services.
Market Analysis:
The online retail market is growing at a rapid pace, and e-commerce sales are expected to exceed $4.5 trillion by 2021. Amazon and eBay are the dominant players in the market, but there is still room for smaller players who offer unique products and exceptional customer service.
Every Mail Box has a competitive edge in the market, thanks to its fast shipping and delivery times. The company’s revolutionary software package allows it to deliver products in 1.75 days, which is faster than all its competitors.
Marketing Strategy:
Every Mail Box has no social media presence and relies on grassroots and SEO marketing to attract customers. The company’s e-commerce website, www.everymailbox.shop, offers a wide range of products at competitive prices. The website is optimized for search engines and has high-quality content that resonates with the target audience.
The company plans to partner with influencers and bloggers in its niche to help promote the website and attract more customers. Every Mail Box will also participate in local events and fairs to increase brand awareness and generate sales.
Revenue Model:
Every Mail Box generates an average of $1,200 a month in net revenue from its sales on Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. The company plans to increase its revenue by launching its own e-commerce website, www.everymailbox.shop. The website offers a wide range of products at competitive prices, and the company plans to build its own fulfillment department to eliminate the need for third-party services.
Financial Plan:
Every Mail Box’s current monthly net revenue of $1,200 is expected to increase significantly with the launch of www.everymailbox.shop. The company plans to invest in marketing and infrastructure to support its growth. The company will generate revenue from the sale of products on its e-commerce website and will also continue to sell on Amazon, eBay, and Shopify.
Fulfillment Strategy:
Every Mail Box plans to build its own fulfillment department to eliminate the need for third-party services. The company will invest in infrastructure, including a warehouse and inventory management system, to ensure efficient order processing and delivery.
Every Mail Box is a company that prides itself on delivering products faster than all its competitors. The company’s revolutionary software package has allowed it to achieve this competitive edge in the market. With the launch of its own e-commerce website, www.everymailbox.shop, and plans to build its own fulfillment department, Every Mail Box is well-positioned to grow and become a dominant player in the online retail market.